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Sequence 01_1.gif


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Sequence 01_1.gif


Age: 2001/ 21 this year

Ethnicity: Indian

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

David is a student doing his diploma in visual communication with an aspiration to break into the modelling industry. 

To him, masculinity is somebody who is rugged and 'manly' and exudes man energy (essentially maleness). He feels like people have got over categorising themselves as masculine in current times. As an example, he acknowledges having traits that people would consider masculine but to him, that's just him living his life and he does it because it makes him happy.  

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Sequence 01_1.gif

“I know there's one perception where people think that men cannot cry and men cannot show how they're actually feeling. I think that's really bad, I think that more men should show how they feel and I don't think that it takes away your masculinity in fact I think that it shows that you're a strong person because you're capable of showing your emotions.”

"When I was younger, I did feel like women were weaker, but as I grew up and I saw things for myself and I saw how strong women can be, that's when I changed and that's how I got better."


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